“She glances at the photo, and the pilot light of memory flickers in her eyes.”
Frank Deford

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Last Remaining Seats 2013

If you remember, last summer I volunteered at the Los Angeles Conservancy's Last Remaining Seats where they show classic films in the beautiful old movie theaters downtown on Broadway.  I'm doing it again this year - last week I ushered for "All About Eve" with Bette Davis at the Los Angeles Theatre. Last year I showed you photos of the Orpheum Theatre, which has been completely renovated.  The Los Angeles Theatre is waiting for its make-over, but it's still amazingly ornate as it is.  Here are some beauty shots for you to enjoy.

Downstairs ballroom.

Ladies' cosmetic room (lounge).

Ladies' Room

Men's room (with shoe shine seats).

Crystal fountain on stairway landing.

Fish from the fountain.

Romance is in the air!

Newer movie projectors on the left and old style on the right.

View from the projection room.

Mural in the Nursery.

Entrance to the restaurant/bar adjacent to the ballroom.


Lobby from the stairway landing.

Balcony view of the stage.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, opulence plus!
    "All About Eve"...I haven't thought about that movie for years and years......!
