Ok, so this week I decided to have a 'theme' for my weekly photos. I decided to take a picture at every intersection I stopped at on the way to work one day. I tried to find something interesting each time, but I only had a minute or so to make up my mind. It will give you a little look at the different neighborhoods I go through each day. Hope you like them.
Beverly Blvd/Martel Ave Beverly Blvd/Gardner Ave La Brea Ave/1st St La Brea Ave/2nd St La Brea Ave/3rd St La Brea Ave/Wilshire Blvd La Brea Ave/Olympic Blvd La Brea Ave/Venice La Brea Ave/Westhaven La Brea Ave/Jefferson La Brea Ave/Don Lorenzo La Brea Ave/Slauson La Brea Ave/Centinela La Brea Ave/Juniper Ivy/Beach Florence/Ivy Florence/Eucalyptus Florence/Manchester Aviation/Arbor Vitae Aviation/Century Aviation/111th St Aviation/Imperial HwyImperial Hwy/Nash
This week is a mix of photos - I was at LACMA today and they have an exhibition of European clothing from the 1700's to 1910's. I love costumes and I've sewn a lot, so it was pretty wonderful to see the detail in these amazingly well preserved outfits. Go see the exhibit if you live in SoCal.
Next to the fashion exhibit are Olmec statues - one of the photos captures an "up close and personal" encounter with a patron.
There are also a couple of other photos from my commute. Hope you enjoy them all.
For the past 10 years or so, I've been a volunteer at the Pasadena Heritage Craftsman Weekend. It's a full 3 days with tours and lectures and a vendor show; I usually volunteer as a docent at the Sunday Home tour. The event was this past weekend and this year I also worked at the Friday home tour in West Adams, a section of Los Angeles near USC, where there is the start of a renovation movement of the craftsman homes. Most of the photos in this post are from the house in West Adams where I was a docent: there was a lot of down time between tour groups, so I spent that time taking photos. If you like old houses that people have invested a lot of love, time and work into, you should check out the home tour next year. In the meantime, enjoy these photos.
I don't spend much time walking outside on regular week days and I'm not allowed to take pics at work, so the driving commute is when I have time to look around. I walk a lot on Saturdays, but it's the Sabbath, so I can't take pictures then. So this week, like most, are photos from my commute. But there's always lots to see if you care to look.
Can't believe it's October already. After last week's broiling hot summer, this week we get rainy fall. But clouds make for interesting skies, don't you think?